Workman's Compensation and Work-Related Injuries
At our practice, we specialize in providing comprehensive physical therapy services for workman's compensation and work-related injuries. Our programs, tailored to each patient's needs, are designed to provide relief, rehabilitation, and ensure quick return-to-work. Get in touch with our experienced team today and schedule a consultation.
Our Services: Return to Work Programs
Individual Treatment Plans
Every case is unique, and therefore, every plan is custom-tailored to your specific needs. Our return to work programs are designed to maximize your recovery and get you back to work quickly and safely
Functional Capacity Evaluations
Our physical therapist and facility are equipped to fully carry out your Functional Capacity Evaluation (F.C.E). We ensure non-bias testing that will give an accurate depiction of your current capabilities to perform your work duties.
Job-Specific Training and Work Conditioning
Our physical therapists work closely with you, and if necessary, your employer to ensure that your program includes job-specific physical training. This training will help you develop the required strength and skills to excel at your job once you return to work.
Communication with Employers and Providers
We understand how important it is to stay connected with your employer and medical personnel throughout your recovery process. That's why we provide regular progress updates to employers and doctors to ensure that everyone is on the same page.